Monday, November 25, 2019
Learn How to Conjugate the Verb Corriger (to Correct)
Learn How to Conjugate the Verb Corriger (to Correct) In French, you will use the verbà corrigerà for to correct. When you want to say correcting or corrected, a verb conjugation is required and this lesson will walk you through that. Conjugating the French Verbà Corriger Verb conjugations are required to express whether the action happens in the past, present or future. In English, we use -ing and -ed endings, but its a bit more complicated in French. This is because the verb changes with the subject pronoun as well as the tense. Corrigerà is aà spelling change verbà and that makes it a tricky one, particularly when writing it. While the pronunciation remains the same, you will notice that a few of these conjugations change theà -ge-à to -gi-. This is done in -gerà verbs to retain the proper G sound. Use the table to study the various conjugations ofà corriger. You will match the subject pronoun theà je, tu, nous, etc. with the present, future, or imperfect past tense. For instance, I am correcting is je corrige and we will correct is nous corrigerons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je corrige corrigerai corrigeais tu corriges corrigeras corrigeais il corrige corrigera corrigeait nous corrigeons corrigerons corrigions vous corrigez corrigerez corrigiez ils corrigent corrigeront corrigeaient The Present Participle ofà Corriger To form theà present participleà of corriger, -antà is added to the verb stem. This producesà corrigeantà and it works as an adjective, gerund, or noun as well as a verb. Corrigers Past Participle and Passà © Composà © Theà passà © composà ©Ã is a familiar way to express the past tense of corrected. To use this, you must first conjugateà avoir, which is anà auxiliary, or helping verb.à Theà past participleà corrigà ©Ã is then added to complete the phrase. For instance, I corrected is jai corrigà © and we corrected is nous avons corrigà ©. Notice howà aià andà avonsà are conjugates ofà avoirà and that the past participle does not change. More Simpleà Corrigerà Conjugations to Learn Beginning French students should concentrate on the past, present, and future verb forms ofà corriger. There may, however, be instances when one of the following conjugations is necessary. The subjunctive verb mood is used when the action is uncertain or subjective. Likewise, the conditional verb mood is reserved for those times when the action may or may not happen because its dependent on something.à Its likely that you will not use the passà © simple because it tends to be used in formal French writing. However, you should be able to recognize and associate it withà corriger. The same can be said of the imperfect subjunctive form. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je corrige corrigerais corrigeai corrigeasse tu corriges corrigerais corrigeas corrigeasses il corrige corrigerait corrigea corriget nous corrigions corrigerions corrigemes corrigeassions vous corrigiez corrigeriez corrigetes corrigeassiez ils corrigent corrigeraient corrigrent corrigeassent The imperative verb form may be useful as well. This is used in short and often direct commands or requests. When using the imperative, the subject pronoun is not required, so you can say corrige rather than tu corrige. Imperative (tu) corrige (nous) corrigeons (vous) corrigez
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