Thursday, September 3, 2020

An Exploration Of Sallusts And Plutarchs View Of The Moral Decline Of

An Exploration of Sallust's and Plutarch's View of the Moral Decline of the Roman Republic Jamie Neufeld ST# 864583 For: L. Foley Class. 111.3 (08) Though there are fluctuated dates with regards to the time that the Roman Republic stood, it is settled upon as enduring roughly 500 years. During the only remaining century of its reality (133 BC - 27 BC) there were the numerous fierce long periods of The Civil Wars and much social hardship. Despite the fact that the final product of these last long stretches of the res publica was the appropriation of an Emperor and the introduction of the Roman Empire, the focal point of this paper will be the introduction of the idea of strains toward the finish of the res publica utilizing determinations from Sallust and Plutarch as a premise. Sallust and Plutarch, while originating from various universes and living various lives were a lot of the same in the musings that they introduced in their composition on the fall of the Roman Republic. Sallust was a functioning individual in Roman governmental issues during the Republic's decrease. He was a tribune in 52 BC who was kicked out of the Senate in the midst of charges of unethical behavior. In 49 BC Sallust was in order of one of Julius Caesar's armies and was chosen for Praetor in 47 BC. Participating in the African Campaign earned him the governorship of Numidia in. Upon his arrival to Rome in the mid 40's BC anyway he was accused of coercion, just to be discharged by Caesar. Now in his life he chose to turn into an author of history and carried on with a calm life doing that. Plutarch's life was a lot of various structure Sallust's. Conceived in Chaeronea he stayed there for a lot of his life. His most recent 30 years he spent as a Priest at Delphi. There he was a sincere adherent to the antiquated devotions and a significant understudy of its ancient pieces. The main association in legislative issues at the time were stories that he was a man of impact and gossipy tidbits about an administrative office being presented to him by both Hadrian and Trajan. In spite of the distinctions in their lives and foundations, their enduring writing has an essential hidden closeness; that being ethical quality. To be increasingly explicit, the absence of ethical quality with respect to the leaders of Rome during the only remaining century of the Republic. In the accompanying exposition I will show instances of how Sallust and Plutarch call attention to over and over the absence of ethical quality in the characters about whom they write concerning the decrease of the Roman Republic. Sallust starts his Bellum Catalinae by disclosing to us how the Roman Republic was assembled. He gives us that the individuals set aside their disparities and kept their shared objective, harmony, as a main priority. As per the form I have heard, to start with the Trojans who were meandering estranged abroad without a fixed home under the initiative of Aeneas established and controlled the city of Rome as a free and autonomous Republic alongside the indigenous individuals, A crude clan of men without laws or composed government. It is noteworthy how effectively these two people groups joined after they had been assembled in one network in the light of their disparities in race and in language and the difference in the manner by which every one of them lived: in a brief timeframe a various and migrant mass of individuals was changed by amicability into a Republic. Later after the Republic had developed in populace, establishments and domain and appeared to be adequate in flourishing and quality at that point, as occurs in most human issues, envy became out of success.1 Clearly Sallust is setting up some complexity based on what was acceptable and right to what exactly will turn into the Republic's end. Toward the finish of the entry above Sallust brings up as occurs in most human issues, envy became out of accomplishment. This thought is introduced again later when Sallust composes: ... the standard of the Kings of which the first reason needed to ensure the freedom and to reinforce the Republic transformed into pride and oppression ...2 He is repeating the way that the plan of the Kings had changed after some time from one that was ethically acceptable

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Segmentation and Target Market Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Division and Target Market - Term Paper Example The sun based market of the United States is extensively enormous and is developing at a huge rate. The significant expense of producing power alongside high client interest for vitality and money related promptings from central government has quickened the development of sunlight based market in the United States alongside California. In the year 2009, just about 107,000 new sun powered warming, refrigeration and sunlight based electric associations were actualized in the United States. Over the long haul, the development open door for this industry is estimated to be very brilliant. The market development of sunlight based items is an aftereffect of since quite a while ago run augmentation of Investment Tax Credit (ITC) approach by the national government (Sherwood, 2010). California is viewed as one of the most populated states in the United States. It is additionally a presumed state as for the utilization of close planetary system. In California, a noteworthy improvement for use of sun powered vitality can be seen in the ongoing occasions. It is normal that by 2030, sunlight based vitality will speak to practically 16% to 18% of absolute state vitality utilization. California has the most elevated sun oriented insolation levels in the whole United States. In present days, California represents practically 61% of whole United States’ sun oriented vitality plans. The state has around 27 associations which are engaged with sun based vitality related capacities, involving assembling of silicon cells, modules and sun based chips among others. Accordingly, these sun oriented advertising patterns speak to good conditions for promoting the sun powered results of XYZ Company (Barber, 2003). So as to build up any advertising arrangement, the monetary condition must be considered as it can decide the likelihood of achievement or disappointment of the item in the market. The Californian economy is driven by three significant segments which are innovation, fares and neighborliness. California was considered as the ninth greatest economy on the planet in 2010. Concerning size, the Californian economy is found out to be the second best in contrast with Brazil.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Caste System- Reaction Response Essay Example

The Caste System-Reaction Response Paper This division in Indian culture has existed since days of yore . This Verna System is the Caste System that is as yet predominant n the nation . It orders the work to be finished by every This framework is common to a great extent among Hindus , yet exists among different strict networks in India also . Brahmins are viewed as the most noteworthy position . They are prevalently vegans , who are doled out job of ministers , instructors or researchers . They appreciate numerous advantages . Offspring of these families are relied upon to Join family calling . Ashtrays were rulers and warriors in days of yore , by and by they are In diverse callings . Visas , remained merchants from the earliest starting point of this Verna dolls , and are soul Into exchanging . The fourth are the Shudders , who make the serving class In Indian culture The Shudders are the fourth and most dismissed station in India . They are otherwise called Dalais (the down trodden ) and named Harridans (individuals having a place with god ) by Mahatma Gandhi . They have a troublesome existence , without training and are not permitted to change occupation . The work alloted to them is regularly unhygienic , debasing and unfortunate . They are not permitted to enter sanctuaries and love . Indeed, even essential courtesies like assortment of drinking water must be from wells or taps which are not utilized by individuals from higher stations like Brahmins There re divisions in Dalai society too . The Ana (Barber , Dhobi (Washer man ) stand higher than Chamber (Cobbler ) or Bang (Sweeper . They are not permitted passage to places in the town where individuals of higher positions live . We will compose a custom paper test on The Caste System-Reaction Response explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on The Caste System-Reaction Response explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on The Caste System-Reaction Response explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Therefore they live a hard and unforgiving life The Modern culture lives with these separations and utilize extraordinary terms for these individuals . They are called Scheduled Castes (SC , Scheduled clans (SST ) or Other Backward Classes (BBC . The SC is 16 of the populace making it 160 million . SST is 8 at million and BBC is 52 with 3000 ranks . The station framework has taken the current arm after the British assumed control over the standard of India , in accordance with the class arrangement of British society The rank framework is some what loose in urban and metropolitan regions Inter-position relationships are likewise basic . In orchestrated relationships , position of the lady of the hour and the husband to be are cross registered and taken with thought It is because of impact of advanced education that these zones are liberated from standing unbending nature . Be that as it may, country zones despite everything reel under its impact Political gatherings and pioneers regularly accept rank as an issue , to make it delicate to meet their closures . The BSP (Bauhaus Assam Party , Swampland Party , Kanata Deal are a couple of ideological groups that spoiled the station assessments and prevailing With regards to winning the decisions . Reservations in instruction and governmental issues have been made by these poisons prompting wide spread fights and commotion . Amanda Commission suggested by ex-P . M . Mr. . V - P - Sings attempted to Implement ten suggestions Ana Take small spread Protests It NAS seen many taught young men and young ladies endure because of these booking arrangements . India has seen is as yet confronting numerous standing related brutality . Such a significant number of have lost their lives in this brutality . It has for the most part been between upper stations like Thesaurus and Dalais of lower standing Indian Caste System has been under the scanner of analysis since history . The reformers of Indian culture in the past have denounced the standing framework . Nanas , Kabuki , Djakarta , Ramadan , Ramadan the holy people of Backbit clique dismissed standing segregation . Later during Struggle for Freedom in mid nineteenth century , Indian government officials opposed station differentiations . Strict pioneers Swami Dandy , Swami Vegetarians , Sir Ramekins and lawmakers Mahatma Gandhi , B . R . Set out remained against this separating framework . They were available to individuals from all positions B . R . Set out himself from a group of planned station turned into the author of Indian Constitution in Independent India The Indian Caste framework shows a couple of solid focuses . It helped in holding privately-run company , work of art and craftsmans who have been scrutinizing a workmanship for ages . It made the endurance of specific types of craftsmanship conceivable . However the oddities and burdens out of sight the focal points . The requirement for station framework is bit by bit moving out . The youthful India , which is anxious to get instruction and use innovation for its thriving , wouldn't like to grasp satiate contrasts . The informed class living in urban India emphatically advocates getting rid of station obstructions . In any case, under taught and unskilled rustic masses despite everything clutch the conviction of division as a strategy , which is gainful to their inclinations . Maybe training for the majority is the thing that India needs today to shake off such old frameworks . It is never fitting that a piece of the general public be permitted to carry on with a real existence that is terribly not the same as the lives of others on this globe Read more: http://www. Nightdresses. Com/article/rank. Framework. Paper. 51655#txzz2PSk4zd8S

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Best Companies for Internships

The Best Companies for Internships by: Jeff Schmitt on December 12, 2014 | 1 Comment Comments 7,140 Views December 12, 2014â€Å"How do I get a job if I don’t have experience?†Every year, college students ask that same question. These days, the question takes on greater urgency. According to a 2014 Accenture study, just 42 percent of 2012 and 2013 college grads found work within six months of graduation. Another 41 percent earned $25,000 or less. Most damning of all, only 48 percent received training from their first employer.So how can students get training and experience? One option is an internship. For employers, every hire carries big risks – particularly with job-hopping new graduates. Here, it can cost employers up to 50 percent of their salary to find a replacement. And that doesn’t factor in variables like opportunity costs or benefits. As a result, employers are seeking new hires with track records, not just potential and people skills. With internships, students can prove themselves and gain experience. A successful internship also helps students build their networks, bestowing an informal certification that they possess the skills and maturity to mitigate their inherent risk.Alas, not all internships are created equal. At some companies, college interns work on key projects, gaining hands-on experience alongside seasoned mentors. However, others are relegated to repetitive tasks and busy work. These students may be exposed to a respected brand, but they’re not being prepared to hit the ground running.VAULT’S NEW RANKING IDENTIFIES THE BEST INTERNSHIP PROGRAMSIn other words, just landing an internship isn’t enough. Students should also focus on finding the ‘right’ internship: a structured program where they’ll receive resources and real work. To help students identify the best learning opportunities, Vault has produced a â€Å"Top Internship Rankings† for the past three years.Today, 40 percent of all entry-level full-time hires in the U.S. are sourced through internship programs, writes Derek Loosvelt, a senior editor at Vault. This means that, for those looking to work for the most desired and admired employers in the country, internships are no longer a luxury but a necessity.Vault, which collects  data from employers and professionals, released its internship rankings in November. Based on a 2015 survey, these rankings include responses from over 5800 interns at 100 different internship programs. Here, students ranked five areas on a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the highest score. The ratings covered quality of life (office culture, work hours, flexibility); compensation and benefits (pay structure and perks); interview process (application and interview process); career development (quality of training, mentoring, assignments, and networking opportunities); and full-time employment prospects.   Vault elected not to publish specific compa ny scores in each of these five areas.These survey scores were then averaged to produce an overall score for each internship program. Vault also ranked programs in seven industries, including consulting, investment banking, consumer goods, and media. While most respondents were undergraduates, eight or nine percent of the pool included MBA students.BATES WHITE TOPS THE LISTLooking to get into consulting? While an internship from McKinsey or Deloitte may draw attention, your best bet for meaningful assignments and a supportive culture may come at Washington DC’s Bates White, a 15 year-old firm that provides economic consulting to law firms, Fortune 500 companies, and government agencies. So what sets Bates White apart?For starters, the firm provides valuable experience to interns. â€Å"I loved being able to work on challenging, complicated, real world issues, while developing valuable quantitative skills that are transferable to nearly any career path,† one former inte rn tells Vault. Another reinforces this point. â€Å"You will learn (or improve upon) a number of valuable and marketable skills. You will make a meaningful contribution to the firms work.†Bates White’s culture is another big draw for interns. â€Å"Everyone here is very welcoming and willing to answer questions and help,† gushes one intern. â€Å"There are also a lot of fun events for interns to get to know each other. Another cited easy access to the firm’s leaders. â€Å"Everyone at the firm, from consultants and managers to partners, was friendly and willing to provide mentorship. I even had the opportunity to discuss career paths over coffee with the COO.In an era where interns are sometimes viewed as free labor, a former intern shares that Bates White’s pay is â€Å"great† too. With interns giving Bates White a collective 9.70 score, you won’t find many complaints. â€Å"I honestly think you would be hard-pressed to find a be tter internship program, no matter your field of study,† one intern summed up. Page 1 of 512345 » The Best Companies For Internships The Best Companies For Internships by: Jeff Schmitt on February 26, 2015 | 0 Comments Comments 6,411 Views February 26, 2015â€Å"You need experience.†You’ve heard that refrain from advisors, parents, and peers for years. Like generations before you, you answer with the same question: â€Å"Where can I get that experience?† Sure, you deserve credit for your high GPA. In a perfect world, your extracurriculars would validate your ability to manage time and â€Å"get the job done.† You’re young and hungry – and you have big ideas and a high ceiling. And you clean up well too. Isn’t that enough?Afraid not. Employers want to see you in action. Hiring someone is a big investment. Two years ago, CNN calculated that an employee making $50,000 actually costs a company $66,000, when you factor in social security and Medicare tax, unemployment insurance, and health care and 401K benefits. And that doesn’t include the cost to replace a n employee who doesn’t work out. Inc. reports that it can run as high as 150 percent of an employee’s salary. Bottom line: Employers want to be certain that you can apply your skills and work well with others.That’s where an internship comes in. You can spend your summer – or time outside of class – working in a professional environment. You can practice your craft, notch some accomplishments, and build a network of people who can vouch for you. Of course, landing an internship is easier said than done. Not to mention, not all internships are created equal. Some involve working on significant projects, but others are simply glorified clerical jobs.FACEBOOK TOPS THE LISTTo help students identify the best places to intern, Glassdoor recently published its â€Å"25 Highest Rated Companies for Internships in 2015.† Derived from reviews from actual interns, Glassdoor based its rankings on the highest average company score (on a five point scale). In addition, Glassdoor mined a composite score to cover the difficulty of each firm’s interview (again using a five point scale).And the big winner was Facebook, with a 4.6 average (tied with Chevron and Google). What makes an internship at Facebook time well spent? Here are some recent thoughts from the interns themselves:â€Å"The environment is really fast-paced, with a lot of freedom. As Facebook grows, theres more and more of a spectrum of different types of work environments and managerial relationshipsall the way from entirely hands off, to much more hand holding if you need it.†Former Intern Front End Engineer in Menlo Park, CAâ€Å"You are working on a very interesting problems, which actually affect more than a billion people. You also learn a lot from people around you.†Facebook Intern (New York, NY)â€Å"I was interning at the HQ. Its a very cool place with many perks including a music room, arcade room, gym, outdoor courts, many restaurants and v irtually any game you can think of spread across the campus. The salary is good and the housing is great. A great place to work with its policy to be open about everything going in the company to all employees even interns. Also the intern program is really good they have awesome people over there organising things for interns and helping us with intern stuff in general.†Software Engineer in Menlo Park, CAHere, you have the trifecta: interesting work, freedom, and good people. While entry interviews are slightly more difficult than Glassdoor’s average (3.1 vs. 2.8), Facebook provides great training for handling more complex tasks and a sometimes-stressful environment.FROM FOOD TO MENTORSHIP, GOOGLE LAUDED BY INTERNSChevron also earned high marks, with one Houston intern succinctly listing its benefits as, â€Å"Fast paced, high energy, independence, strong culture.† Culture, in particular, had strong allure to one recent engineering intern, who touted the firmà ¢â‚¬â„¢s intangibles. â€Å"The culture is just as it is advertized. Chevron takes care of its people, and makes sure everyone is a good fit to its culture. Is all about Team Work, Ownership and most importantly Safety.†Past and present interns were especially complimentary of Google, with one intern summing up the firm’s charm as, â€Å"Great office culture, perks, company values, global footprint.†Among recent interns, Google’s freebies grabbed their attention. â€Å"The food! So many perks, too,† one intern gushed. â€Å"Theyll treat you like a princess, Im telling you. Its amazing.† Another cited Google’s legendary â€Å"bowling alley, juice bar, indoor rock [and] climbing wall.† Page 1 of 41234 »

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Problem Of Global Warming - 1311 Words

Introduction: The only place in our galaxy that we know is inhabitable is now being destroyed by man. As humanity has revolutionized we have created many problems along the way. The main problem we are facing right now is called global warming. We have damaged many ecosystems trying to better ourselves, and we have not yet once thought about the damage we are inflicting on our mother earth. We are already beginning to see the effects of global warming. It will make little changes that will have a huge impact, and devastate many ecosystems and everything living on earth. Thesis: If we do not change our ways now, imagine what the future will have in store for the next generations to come. We will all have to pay the price for the acts†¦show more content†¦In the website called Global Climate Change it stated that â€Å"On earth, human activities are changing the natural greenhouse. Over the last century the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil had increased the concentra tion of the atmospheric carbon dioxide† (Nasa). We don’t have to be scientist to know that global warming is happening. If we look around we can see all the damages that we are creating; but it seems like we are just covering our eyes and hoping it will go away. Point 3: Now that we are all aware global warming is happening. The effects that it is having on earth are now very noticeable. The temperatures have risen through the years, and many wonder why. In the Article Global Climate change it states that â€Å"The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years† (Jackson). My teacher from high school Mrs. Wagner explain to us that all the carbon, and other natural gases we release into the atmosphere will not escape into space. Therefore it will create a thick blanket covering the atmosphere and heating up the planet. That is wh y the temperature has been going up throughout the years. Rising temperatures are not the only thing happening right now. We are also seeing droughts in many areas where there use to be a lot of fresh water that would flow by. In other places we are seeing flooding

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Greek Justice Plato And Aristotle - 1085 Words

Philosophers and Justice as the Greek World Expands in 400-150 BCE Justice could be the defined as the quality of being fair and reasonable, during the period of 400-150 BCE when the Greek civilization was being formed. Plato and Aristotle are philosphers, who are leading figures of ancient Greek civilization and both discussed justice and established theories about the views of being just. Plato was a student of Socrates, and Aristotle was a student of Plato. Aristotle and Plato had different philosophies about many subjects such as justice and injustice, the function of humans, truth, the human soul, art, and politics. Starting with Plato (427 BC-347 BC) one of the most important philosophers of the world and the founder of â€Å"The†¦show more content†¦To compare the political theories of two great philosophers of politics is to first examine each theory in depth. Plato is regarded by many experts as the first writer of political philosophy, and Aristotle is recognized as the first political scientist. These two men were great thinker s. They each had ideas of how to improve existing societies during their individual lifetimes. It is necessary to look at several areas of each theory to seek the difference and similarities in each. Both philosophers had common points and some differences, starting with Plato, where in the beginning of his conversation with Thrasymachus (Plato, The Republic ,Page 19), the latter defines justice as â€Å"what is the interest of the stronger party†. Socrates goes on to refute this definition by saying that the stronger party can be at fault sometimes, and a ruler can make mistakes. One of the questions that Plato pursued in his work was the one proposed by Thrasymachus who suggests that the pursuit of self-interest or injustice pays better than that the pursuit of justice. Socrates states that the injustice would create disagreement and weakness instead of strength. He says that injustice causes problems and weakens the group â€Å"†¦ whether it occurs in a state or fami ly or army or in anything else: it renders it incapable of any common action because of factions and quarrels, and sets it at variance with itself and with its opponents and with whatever is just† (Plato, The Republic, pageShow MoreRelatedEssay about How Greek Philosophers Affect our Learning Today1403 Words   |  6 PagesWorks Cited†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..6 A. Plan of Investigation: The topic, Greek Philosophers, could be a very broad topic to write a research paper on. However, the plan of action, which will occur to create this report, will ensure that the end product will be different from the rest. The topic is not just about Greek Philosophers, but rather how it affects our learning today. There were many Greek Philosophers who produced great ideas and all of them contributed to our modern knowledgeRead MoreCritical Analysis of Plato and Aristotle1634 Words   |  7 PagesPOL 311 (HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT) TOPIC A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PLATO AND ARISTOTLES POLITICAL THOUGHT WRITTEN BY OKWOR, STEPHEN USHIE 09/ED/EF/814 DEPT OF EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS (POLITICAL SCIENCE UNIT) FACULTY OF EDUCATION SUBMITTED TO DR. EJERE DEPT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF UYO, UYO AKWA IBOM STATE MAY, 2012 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PLATO AND ARISTOTLES POLITICAL THOUGHT In order to compare these great philosophers, it isRead MoreHistorical Events That Took Place During The Classical Period1458 Words   |  6 PagesWorld Literature I Historically Significant Influences of Aristotle During the Classical Period, 500-232 BCE, Greece was at the peak of its political and cultural achievement. This was also a time of war, most noteworthy being the vast empire created by Alexander the Great. In a period containing such an immense amount of historical significance there is no doubting that it had influenced the people born. Notorious philosopher Aristotle is no exception, contributing a great deal to the fields ofRead MoreThe Era Between 350 And 310 Bc929 Words   |  4 PagesThe era between 350 and 310 BC marked a dramatic change in the Western World from the first, classical Hellenic Age of the Greeks, to the second, Hellenistic Age of the Greek Civilization. This classical period was considered the height of Greek civilization and deemed â€Å"The Golden Age† of ancient Greece. The polis (Greek city-state) was the center of Greek political life for the majority of this period. The poleis were small, independent, and self-sufficient; however, too politically divided to surviveRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The First Ones 1562 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"What is justice?† and â€Å"How do we justify what is just or good?† have popped up in human minds and Plato and Aristotle were the first philosophers to answer these questions. 2. Plato 2.1. His Life To many people, Plato was known as the first writer of philosophy. Plato was born in Athens in 429 BC (Plato-Biography, His birth name was Aristocles and gained the nickname Platon later on. He had two brothers named Adeimantus and Glaucon (Plato-Biography, When Plato met SocratesRead MorePlato and Aristotle: An Analysis1175 Words   |  5 Pagesof Plato and Aristotle regarding the best political association. Quotes from Politics and the Republic are used to support the author’s thesis. Plato and Aristotle: An Analysis Determining the best form of political association was important to the ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle, and each of them expressed his opinion in important works such as the Republic and Politics. In explaining, comparing, and contrasting the political philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, itRead MorePlato s The Republic And Aristotle933 Words   |  4 PagesThe Politics are two classic texts in ancient Greek political thought. Although Plato taught Aristotle, the two philosophers had differing viewpoints on many subjects, one of them being the purpose of political rule. Plato believed that the purpose of political rule is to allow for the manifestation of a just city where both the city and its citizens are in harmony due to a specialization of roles according to individuals’ natures, whereas Aristotle believed that the purpose of political rule isRead MoreHistorical Views of Leadership: Plato and Aristotle1320 Words   |  6 PagesWest is commonly held to begin with Herodotus of ancient Athens, it is not surprising that we should examine the historical views of leadership through the eyes of two titans of Greek thought: Plato and Aristotle. Both men lived in 4th century BCE Athens, so much of their background and experience was shared. Aristotle was the younger of the two, and he was Plato’s student. Where leadership is concerned, both philosophers agreed that the â€Å"best men† should rule, and that the purpose of leadershipRead MoreAristotle and Plato: Death Action and Justice1284 Words   |  5 PagesAristotle and Plato: Death, Action and Justice Ancient philosophers wrestled considerably with the questions of right and wrong, good and evil, just and unjust. The struggle to understand and define these various dynamics was cast into constant debate, especially in the context of the pagan and imperial Athenian state. Here, thinkers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle would continually advance the discussion on how best to define man, both practically and ethically. In the two prompting statementsRead MoreReview of Aristotles Nichomachean Ethics1388 Words   |  6 PagesPeters with an introduction by Hye-Kyung Kim. Aristotle was one of the great early philosophers who ventured to speak to humans about how they conducted themselves as they related to others; however, some of Aristotle’s ideologies were debated by his counterparts for hundreds of years. Aristotle’s plethora of ideas was and has been adopted by past and present philosophers as they approached subject matter that had very few definitive answers. Ari stotle was born in circa 384 B. C. and died in 322

Symptoms and Biochemical Screening †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Symptoms and Biochemical Screening. Answer: Introduction: Cushings syndrome encompasses a collection of symptoms and signs that occur due to prolonged cortisol exposure. In other words, Cushings syndrome or hypercortisolism occurs due to abnormality in the levels of cholesterol. Corticosteroid medications are considered as a primary reason for this physiological abnormality (Lacroix, Feelders, Stratakis Nieman, 2015). Most common symptoms of this condition include hypertension, abdominal obesity, round red face, lump between shoulders, muscle weakness and weak bones. This essay will contain a discussion on a case study of a patient Susan Summers and will describe the etiology, pathophysiology, cause and symptoms of this health abnormality management. Pathophysiology refers to the disorder or disrupted physical processes that are associated with development of an illness or disease. The pituitary gland and hypothalamus, located in the brain are responsible for the disease. The hypothalamus comprises for paraventricular nucleus (PVN), which releases CRH, the corticotropin-releasing hormone. This hormone is responsible fro stimulating the pituitary gland, which in turn gets triggered to release the polypeptide tropic hormone, adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) (Manenschijn et al., 2012). This hormone is found to get released in the bloodstream and travel along it, followed by reaching the adrenal glands, located on the top of kidneys. Upon reaching the adrenal gland, ACTH facilitates secretion of cortisol. Evidences suggest that cortisol belongs to the class of glucocorticoids and are released by the zona fasciculata layer of the adrenal cortex, in response to ACTH secretion (Lodish, Dunn, Sinaii, Keil Stratakis, 2012). An increase in the levels of cortisol is found to create a negative feedback loop on corticotropin hormone, which results in a subsequent reduction in the ACTH amount released from the anterior pituitary (Dekkers et al., 2013). Cortisol is responsible for regulating blood pressure and maintain normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thus, cortisol-releasing adenoma present in the adrenal cortex of the adrenal glands can be considered as the primary aetiology of Cushings syndrome. This results I an elevation in the levels of cortisol. A dexamethasone suppression test, followed by MRI of the pituitary gland and CT scan of the adrenal glands confirms the disease. The potential causes or aetiology of Cushings syndrome include prescribed administration of glucocorticoids for the treatment of other health abnormalities. Corticosteroid treatment is used for a plethora of diseases such as, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, or immunosuppression after an organ transplantation to prevent the immune cells from rejecting the transplant. Administration of medroxyprogesterone is also considered as a major factor that contributes to development of Cushings syndrome (Stratakis, 2012). It results in glucocorticoids are found to downregulate the release of ACTH hormone. Furthermore, a deviation from the normal functioning of the body in cortisol secretion also result in a condition, commonly referred to as endogenous Cushings syndrome. ACTH secretion is also found to occur from tumors located outside the pituitary-adrenal system, which in turn creates an impact on the adrenal glands (Guaraldi Salvatori, 2012). This aetiology is commonly referred to as paraneopl astic Cushings syndrome, due to its association with cancer cells in the body (de Bruin et al., 2012). Excess cortisol secretion can also occur due to high levels of stress, malnutrition, alcoholism or depression. Thus, the fact that Susan consumes wine on a regular basis significantly contributes to her current medical state management. Most common signs and symptoms associated with Cushings syndrome include rapid gain of weight, in the face and trunk, sparing certain parts of the limbs. Accumulation of fat along the collarbones, back of neck and face are commonly observed. Other major symptoms encompass capillary dilation, excess perspiration, skin thinning that results in dryness and bruises along the hands, red or purple striae, muscle weakness or hypoglycemia (Nieman, 2015). Women suffering from the condition are also found to suffer from irregular menstrual period and thicker facial or body hair. In addition, other symptoms such as, cognitive impairment, headache, impaired growth among children, emotional disturbances, and hypertension may also be observed. Thorough assessment and monitoring of post-operative patients are considered imperative for identifying all kinds of deterioration in the prevailing health condition. Such physical assessments involve measurement of a patients vital signs that encompass evaluation of the major life-sustaining functions of the physiological system. Measurements of vital signs help in assessing the general physical condition of the individual and also provides cues to detect probable health deteriorations or recuperation from a disease. Susans post-operative respiratory rate (RR) was found to be 30 breaths per minute. It commonly refers to the number of breaths taken by a person per minute. In other words, it indicates the number of movements that depict inspiration and expiration per unit time. Normal levels of RR range from 16-20, at rest (Elliott Coventry, 2012). This suggests that the patient Susan is suffering from tachypnea, where her RR has increased beyond 20 bpm. Blood pressure is another vital sign, the normal range of which is around 120/80 mmHg (Elliott Coventry, 2012). The patient demonstrates a higher blood pressure (160/90 mm Hg), that indicates presence of hypertensive symptoms. Her post-operative vital signs also show a huge deviation from the normal pulse range of 50-80 bpm for adults, which indicate the rate at which the heart beats for pumping blood in the arteries. Pulse rate of 128 bpm area clear indication of deterioration in the health status, following laparoscopic right adrenalectomy (Elliott Coventry, 2012). Susan also demonstrates a decrease in body temperature, below the normal range 36.5 C. Evidences suggest that elevated heart rate are found to be associated with an increase in blood pressure or hypertension. Normal urine output is around 800-2000 milliliters/day with an intake of 2 liters/day. Low urine output can be attributed to the surgical procedure of adrenalectomy that was performed in the patient. High abdominal pressure due to pneumoperitoneum contributes to a reduction in urine production. Overweight is also considered as a major risk factor that contributes to an increase in blood pressure (Nguyen Lau, 2012). Furthermore, regular alcohol consumption results in a temporary increase in blood pressure, and heart rate and results in weakening of the heart muscles. This contributes to irregularities in the heart beat. Moreover , associations have also been established for obesity and respiratory complications that result in an increased demand for ventilation (Sarkhosh, Birch, Sharma Karmali, 2013). This elevates the breathing rate due to inefficiency of the respiratory muscles. Alcohol consumption can have also been linked to diminished respiratory compliance. Moreover, the post-operative deteriorating vital signs can be directly correlated with Cushings syndrome. Hypertension occurs due to the fact that renal conversion of cortisol hormone to cortisone gets reduced in the disorder. This directly elevates mineralocorticoids., which in turn result in increased reabsorption of tubular sodium, and hypokalemia. Cortisols also inhibit the vasodilators, thereby increasing blood pressure (Prodam et al., 2013). The glucocorticoids exert their direct effect on the heart that results in tachycardia (over 100bpm). Furthermore, hypertension leads to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system that leads to heart rate variability. Hypothermia refers to core bosy temperatures that are below 35C. It results in a drastic drop in the metabolic rate of the body. At such low temperatures, the bosy will fail to produce the necessary heat and the core body temperature will quickly drop. This will make the patient shiver, followed by contraction of the blood vessels and release of hormones to facilitate heat generation. A direct impact of the condition will be observed on the other vital signs such as, blood pressure, respiratory rate and heart rate, all of which will increase. Further drop in temperature will lead to reduction in oxygen consumption, and irregular heart rhythm. Major effects will be manifested in the form of reduced cardiac output, slow brain activity, dilated pupils, and a state of coma (Pasquier et al., 2014). Post-operative safe care involves administration of a regular diet after problems of nausea get resolved. All wounds should be closed using skin glue and the patient might be allowed to shower the following morning. Performing exercise should be prevented until 10 days following the operation. Deep breathing exercise and administration of Tylenol are required to relieve pain and aches (Dimopoulou et al., 2014). Persistent swelling or calf pain would indicate presence of blood clot and the patient should be immediately assessed. The patient needs to be started on steroid therapy such as, prednisone to restore normal functioning of the adrenal gland (Hartmann et al., 2016). NSAIDs such as, naproxen and ibuprofen should also be prescribed for immediate pain relief. Narcotics might result in constipation. Thus, there is a need to intake extra fluids, fiber, along with usage of stool softeners. Several healthcare professionals will play a major role in enhancing the health outcome and subsequent patient satisfaction in this context. A nutritionist would play an essential role in evaluating the diet consumed by the patient on a regular basis. This healthcare professional will be responsible for formulating a diet plan that includes around 8 ounces or 2 liters of daily fluid intake. The nutritionist will also help in making the patient consume a diet that is rich in fibers, such as, whole grain, cereals and fruits (Dietiticians association of Australia, 2014). The endocrinologist will also assist in the patients long term recovery by monitoring and balancing long-term hormonal imbalances in the body. He/she will be involved in administering selective steroids following the surgery to restore the levels of coritsol in the body, Another healthcare professional imperative to improvement of patient health is a physical therapist who will assist the patient in pain reduction and mobility restoration (Australian physiotherapy association, 2016). This professional will help the patient during walking or climbing steps. Thus, complete assistance from the aforementioned healthcare professionals are needed to improve Susans health condition. To conclude, it can be stated that Cushing syndrome is a major health abnormality that occurs due to prolonged exposure of the human body to cortisol hormones, and results in fat accumulation in the face, shoulders and marks on the skin. This occurs due to improper functioning or tumor of the adrenal glands. 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